Five questions to Aly Harte

Five questions to Aly Harte

Aly Harte (born in Belfast 1983) lives beside the beach and paints from a studio in Belfast city. Aly achieved a honours in Fine art and a distinction in her Masters in Fine art. She wishes to change the language of loss using vibrant paint to display hope and joy for her audience.
How did you get into art?

I got into art when my Dad died in 1991. I was bought art sets for my birthday the week after he died and in a way it was like therapy. Now art is my career and still a part of my own healing!

How would you describe your style? What makes your art special?

My work stands out because of the vibrancy and energy in and through it. I use a muted under palette to portray the everyday and I use expressive brush marks of colour on the top to convey hope and joy. How do you go about developing your work?

My grief journey is the driver in my work. Then I use familiar titles such as ‘Swimming pool’ or ‘ the first night we met’ which are relative to a broader audience.  Each viewer will have their own association with that title and my vibrant paintings even if they have not journeyed loss. Who or what influences you? 

Grief is the main influence as I search for hope and joy in the everyday moments, memories places and things around me and my family.

What are you planning to do next?

I have two collaborations in the pipeline which I am excited about. As well as my own collection of paintings in the planning called ‘Making from the heart’.Photographer name @nicolaclairecreative 
