Five questions to Carl Fredrik Emrik

Five questions to Carl Fredrik Emrik

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Carl Fredrik Emrik (b. 1993, Sweden) is a visual artist currently living and working in Malmö, Sweden. He is educated as an architect at The Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen. During his education, he explored the border between architecture and art, which has had a great impact on his artistic practice. Since graduation, he has worked full-time as an artist, mainly with sculpture and installations.Since when do you paint and what are your favorite motives?

I took a break for 18 years but now I'm back at it again after picking it up again two years ago. My favorite motives at the moment are nature and now I have got lost in the world of berry bushes.

When you create a new work, how do you proceed? What comes first? 

It is different every time, experimentation and playfulness are central to my work. I am constantly looking for new challenges and exploring different ways of working. Traditional methods and materials interest me, but I always strive to find new and innovative solutions.From what do you get your motivation?

From everywhere and everything. I've always been fascinated by the character Pippi Longstocking and her colorful world where nothing is impossible so lately, I've been drawing a lot of inspiration and motivation from there.Your life without art would be...

It would be a different life for sure, I would probably go on and pursue a life as a professional ultra runner.

What's the best art venue in your city right now? 

The best art place in my town must be Malmö Konsthall, the artist Ingela Ihrman just had an amazing show there called “Frutti di Mare”.Learn more about the artist:

