Five questions to Elisabeth Jahrmärker

Five questions to Elisabeth Jahrmärker

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Elisabeth Jahrmärker (born 1985) studied at the Kunsthochschule Berlin- Weißensee and at the EnsAD Paris. She lives and works in Berlin where typical construction sites are her special focus. How did you get into art?

Already at the age of 10 I discovered my love for art and took painting and drawing lessons with an artist.



How would you describe your style? What makes your work special?

My predominantly abstract works create a simultaneity of compression and dissolution. Meticulously I look for interstices in opposites and use them. I bring powerful forms and raw structures on the canvas and dissolve them lightly and delicately, almost flowing again. My paintings are sometimes loud, sometimes delicate, sometimes just a breath, but always with a rhythmic duct, images full of sound and music. They give the silence, the invisible a stage. This creates transparent, new spaces that invite the viewer to dive in, to linger, to question and perhaps also to go into his own depth and emotionality. Often a line emerges here as a connection to truth, to reality. It is the small difference, the wake-up call, the hold.

How do you go about developing your work?

In urban space, my camera becomes a brush with which I record colors, shapes and structures and transform them into abstract images. I put everyday and seemingly banal things in a new way and thus transform the existing view of the viewer.

Construction sites are a particular focus here, standing for the visibility of processes and inviting the viewer to take a closer look at their own construction sites and inner scaffolding. I use existing structures and materiality and transform them. Thus, used construction tarpaulins become my canvas, old construction poles into sculptures or construction nets into installations.

Who or what influences you?

Life in general, urban space, construction sites, moving images, light, water, structures and colours.

Make us curious. What is planned next?

Life is a construction site- I will use used materials from these in my new works and create objects and spatial installations.Instagram