Five questions to Harold David

Five questions to Harold David

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The eldest son of automobile factory workers, Harold David was born in Wilmington, Ohio and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He now resides in the Blue Mountains about 2 hours west of Sydney Australia. After exhibiting internationally as a photographer he now is an exhibiting painter.How did you get into art?

I got into art as a child. I grew up in a pretty tough family in Detroit. From as far back as I can remember I was drawing and painting as an escape, in the same way that my mother would draw and paint on her makeup as an escape.

How would you describe your style? What makes your work special?

My style is forever evolving! It’s all a journey and Im not sure where it is taking me. Im always searching for beauty within the layers of uncertainty. The work demands that I do it and within the abstract there seem to be figures and action. A sort of stream of consciousness and a connection that is responding emotionally to the world.How do you go about developing your work?

Observing and living. Everything that happens in my life goes into developing my work. As long as Im looking and listening I am developing my work.Who or what influences you?

My mother was my biggest influence growing up, she was very tenacious. I love love love the work of Louise Bourgeois, she is a huge influence even to this day. Im heavily influenced by tenacious women, survivors!

Make us curious. What are you planning to do next?

My next solo show has a working title of “Flamingos, Flowers and Freaks” Showing at Fox Galleries in Melbourne, opening June 6th! That’s all I’ll say. Also Wentworth Galleries is opening a new space and some new bold work is going to be exhibited right in the heart of Sydney.Learn more about the artist:

