Five questions to Antonio Bettuelli

Five questions to Antonio Bettuelli

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Antonio Bettuelli was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1973. After artistic studies he graduated in Architecture in 1997. He worked for ten years  in important professional studios taking part in the design of numerous and strategic projects both at italian and Europen level. After this “apprenticeship” he founded, with his brother, BBArchYacht studio, specialized in yacht design and architectural design. Today he lives and works in Genoa.How did you get into art?

Since I was a child I have always had a passion for drawing, my mother Lucia, a skilled seamstress, and my father Angelo, a wood craftsman, "genetically" passed to me the great passion for materials and manual work. Artistic studies allowed me to catapult my interests into everything creative.

How would you describe your style? What makes your art special?

My experimental investigation increasingly rarefies reality to arrive at an abstraction made of fast, colored and overlapping signs that create textures where color and its shades together with the contrast of light with shadows are the true protagonists. I always draw inspiration from reality, a world where sea, air, sky and vegetation accompany me on a dreamlike journey where listening to music becomes the soundtrack of my works.How do you go about developing your work?

I love to use simple tools, to transmit on a sheet of paper, all that goes through my head, depicting a landscape, a still life, passing from the design of a building to the concept design of a yacht, to the scribble of something ephemeral; I love to use all artistic techniques. The important thing is to create…Who or what influences you? 

I was born in Italy, home of the Renaissance, an era that saw the great masters as protagonists for whom I almost feel a veneration. I love any form of art and I am very influenced by what surrounds me and by my favorite artists: Monet, Turner, Dorazio, Mitchell.

What are you planning to do next?

I have recently managed to realize a dream of mine, that of having a space dedicated to my artistic creations, I finally have my own atelier connected to my architecture studio where I take refuge whenever inspiration leads me to have to express my emotions through a canvas or a sheet of paper. Among my future projects I plan exhibitions abroad, new personal exhibitions, including one on my ink drawings, and I dream of traveling to Argentina and Asia.
