Five questions to Kyon jr

Five questions to Kyon jr

Timur Tsoi (born 1996) better known as Kyon jr is an Korean artist. He currently lives in Tbilisi, Georgia. The artist gets inspiration from people's faces, their facial expressions and how they are interpreted through the lens of social media.

How did you get into art?

It was a gradual process, during my life I showed no interest in the art world, my only hobbies were clothes and music. When I was 21, I created a clothing brand and became deeply immersed in the visual component of various a aesthetics ranging from Japanese prints to music album covers. As a consequence, this led to the immersion of figurative and then abstract art.



How would you describe your style? What makes your work special?

I am still searching, at the moment I am interested in the digital component of different mediums through which we consume content. In my works, I often rely on a random mistake, a beautiful mistake, the moment when you are alone with your works for a long time and at some point the intuitive mind takes over. I trust these invisible vibrations that come from abstract forms.

How do you go about developing your work?

Constantly try new types of techniques. Anyway, I try to keep track of all kinds of touches of my hand, whether it's paper, canvas, scanner or photoshop. Questioning the images we consume.

Who or what influences you?

I am very dependent on people's faces, I like their facial expressions and how it is interpreted through the lens of social networks. I think it's mixing a real person with his digital avatar. I often like to work with an archive of my photos taken on an iPhone, the moment when you create collages from your memories attracts me. I was also greatly influenced by the art of Dadaism, for me it is a pure form of narration in real life, the case when every everyday moment is filled with new meanings.

Make us curious. What is planned next?

Now I am preparing a series of several works created on the basis of the collision of two elements - this is oil painting with its classical canons and various mix media techniques. In the end, no matter how technology develops, I will try to play with the physical form, be it paintings or installations, in order to capture it as an archive of my life.
