Florencia Galán Camps is a plastic artist and historian. Born in August 1978 in Argentina. She currently lives in Córdoba, Argentina, although he divides his work time between his country, Spain and England. Art, architecture, aesthetics, and social sciences have always been present in his life. His work is an emotional expression of nature. In addition to constant production, his exhibitions, and his strong action on social media, he has put his work in forums to raise awareness about environmental issues and care of the ocean.

Since when do you paint and what are your favourite motives?
Drawing, painting, and embroidery have been habits of life internalized during childhood and youth as a daily practice. My favorite motif is nature, as a sensitive and emotional representation.
When you create a new work, how do you proceed? What comes first?
The climate, the temperature, and the drive for a certain color are the triggers for the construction of a new botanical scene.

From what do you get your motivation?
I am motivated by gratitude for being alive. Feeling everyday existence as a miracle and the willingness to put emotions into painting.

Your life without art would be...
My life without art would be meaningless, a void, a vital energy contained and extinguished.
What is the best art place in your city at the moment?
The best place for art is the workshop, as its own territory of production and dialogue with other artists.

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